J. Crew Statement
This is a statement I wrote on behalf of J. Crew
On behalf of J. Crew, I am excited to announce the recent updates our company has had in our product lines. After past reactions to some of our styles, such as the Tilly sweater, we have taken our consumes opinions into consideration and we have decided to create more flattering, classy looks versus our classic, boxy look. To create these products we are searching for a designer who shares our vision in creating high quality clothing, but at a more accessible price. For past 33 years, it has been our mission to “run a business with a sensitivity to the world around us.” With this being said, we are striving to accommodate our consumer’s desires by adding different styles in a variety of sizes and options. Our fall line will be released in the next couple weeks and we are confident that our collection will appeal to both current and new customers.